Good Fishing On Duck Surf 9/3/22

9/3/22: It’s been good fishing on the surf in Duck. Plenty of sea mullet, small pompano, bluefish and mackerel. Picture of Bryan with a pompano. All of our fishing charters are doing well also. Plenty of mackerel on our nearshore charters and lots of big drum, trout, and flounder on our sportsman half day charters.Outer Banks Fishing

Outer Banks Fishing Report 6/14/22

Outer Banks fishing report. We are getting plenty of bottom fish and bluefish on the surf. Our offshore charters are still getting plenty of tuna and mahi. Our nearshore boats have been catching bluefish, ribbon fish , and mackerel. Our sportsman half day charters are catching plenty of speckled trout and red drum. Picture of Neal with a big sea mullet.Outer Banks fishing report

Duck Surf Fishing Report Tuesday March 29 2022

Along the beach in Duck and Corolla we have seen lots of skate and dogshark caught with an occasional red drum. Winds are North at 10 kts. Water temp is 51 degrees on the Outer Banks. Outer Banks beach fishingHigh tide is at 6:34 pm. Picture of Charlotte and Sophie fishing on the surf.

Outer Banks Fishing Report 11/13/21

Surf and pier fishing along the Outer Banks has been pretty good the past couple of days. Puppy drum, bluefish, trout, and black drum have been caught. We have plenty of fresh bait in stock. Outer Banks surf fishing